Just Foolin Around with Violet Light


I bathed in violet light again this morning. Intuition spoke of filling up with this spiritual ‘cleaning fluid’ in order to tune up mind and body. I do pretty ok most of the time with the day-to-day life issues in my life; paying off that IRS bill with the tax refund I hoped to use for a bigger ticket item I wanted (they actually took it without notice) , no room in my tiny apartment yard to build my desired secret garden, those sore neck mornings when stress and tension just got to be too much. These issues I can deal with.

Then there’s the bigger issues,  the inevitable realization that so much of my life since 1987 has been based around a specific date in 2012 (now come and gone). Smiling to myself with a sigh, I release yet another false belief that I’d still be young enough NOT to be ordering from the Senior Menu at Denny’s before Ascension happened.

Note to self: What if Ascension’s not happening at all? Especially as I read that the Ascension Event has been postponed once again…..maybe, some predict….until 2023. Or was it 2026? Does a date matter? I mean, IF Ascension does happen, it’ll happen, end of speculation…..right?

I wonder, will I even still be kicking around on this planet, waiting for an Event I’ve been teaching about, shaping my life around and working toward keeps not happening? How dumb, right? The definition of insanity being doing something over and over expecting different results.

So I made a decision. I have decided to keep doing my meditations, spreading light, offering kindness, service to my clients and continuing to order from the Senior Menu . I plan to just stop waiting and start living, right here, right now!

Waves of Energy

Inner Life of Human Mind

The beginning of April has felt like that. As I write this, I am sitting in my very quiet office space awaiting the group of clients I usually see at this time. Then, one by one, the text messages blink in: “Feeling under the weather”, and  “Can’t make it today, so sorry” …and the tide rolls out again and I am left embracing the sweet solitude of my non-class.

April will bring a crash of new ascension energy. All is quiet at the moment, but not for long. The Solar Mass Ejections AKA sun spots, are about to shower all life with a heavy dose of gamma radiation!   Powerful DNA changing rays! We will need to prepare to embody as much new energy as our Souls can offer as we assimilate the Divine Intelligence and send it deeply into our hearts and finally every cell.

This is an opportunity to take a giant leap forward in order to surf the powerful waves of cosmic fuel that keep rolling and washing over us.  So be prepared for wonderful new opportunities….and just say “Yes”. Chances are good that you came for this.

The Changing of Seasons

Flower ElixierThe changing of the seasons offers us change…just as the title of this piece implies. By now, in the Spring of 2018, we are settling into the changes that continue bombarding us. So unless we’ve been stranded on a desert island somewhere, we’ve come to accept and even settle into this season of change on our planet.  For most of us, we struggle to learn who we really are and how we can actually embrace change as it weaves itself into our lives and our life’s journey every day.

Still fighting change ?Keep wishing things would slow down and stay they way they used to be? Struggling to enjoy seeing all the new things happening to us faster and faster? Have faith…keep the faith! You’re doing fine. Remember, this ascension stuff isn’t easy.

It helps to keep reminding yourself that you actually came to experience the ascension and to secure a front row seat in order to be the change you came to find. Even more impressive, the world stage keeps getting stranger. You’ll often catch yourself saying “Wow, I’ve never seen that before”.

So really, the only way to stay sane and sleep at night, is to breathe deeply and stay grounded. I’ve found that Yoga for grounding and Crystal Healing for the calming meditation it brings, really help. The solution to worry is really simple:Lighten up! Laugh more often, share food and stories and hugs. We really are going to arrive to the finish line. And then, of course, we keep going on and on and on! Comforting, huh?

Ascension Signs

cropped-bigstock-153091418.jpgI teach 8 classes per week! (Place happy face here)….and I love it. I occasionally  wonder how I can keep it going day after day, week upon week….teaching fresh new content that leaves my yoga students relaxed, smiling and happy after each and every class. Then I realize that I enjoy teaching so much because I channel the class based upon the energy of the students who attend. For those of you who channel, you know that you are only EVER channeling love from the sum total of  your Highest Self/Soul. And you feel good while you are channeling. It is as if the light you are bringing  in also washes you clean.

Most of us like to give this voice a name…a “handle”…and the beings within our Soul Group comply. So you will often hear (in answer to the question ‘who are you’),   “I am Master St. Germain” or “This is Angel Michael speaking”. And this is absolutely the truth! Now I know that I receive just a much,  if not more being the channel!   I feel that same relaxed,  happy feeling that my students do.

The energy of feeling good in our body, heart and mind is the sum total of Yoga  and  the Ascension Process which is happening now on Earth.. We are ascending with each and every decision that we make. So I teach my yoga students and my crystal healing students to FEEL good instead of trudging through our days putting off that ‘feel good’ place until the kitchen dishes are done or the boss is smiling at us.

I often ask this question as I am teaching: “What does “Feeling Good” actually feel like to you?  When you find out and when you can make choices to feel that feeling every day…….OFTEN……you are stepping out onto that golden path of Ascension! Keep those classes coming.


Chakra Basics

As humanity continues to evolve on Planet Earth, we healers are encountering more of our clients starting the amazing process of opening the Thymus Chakra. This is the energy center directly between the Throat and Heart Chakras and is most often observed as a beautiful teal blue color. The color varies based on whether the person is more heart oriented or throat oriented. The more we see the heart used, the deeper green the Thymus Chakra is likely to present. As this chakra is attempting to open, we may be experiencing a clogged, thick feeling in the throat and we need to gently clear our throat for several minutes each morning. I always do a throat clearing posture with my yoga students and encourage them to gently clear their throats or softly cough for several seconds to get things cleared.

It is also helpful hum or sing through the musical scale several times to encourage the voice to stay strong and clear. We are noticing many people losing their voices or sounding muffled or with a kind of ‘reedy’ small voice quality to their words. Additionally, these same folks are struggling with immunity issues….the first ones to be down with the flu or colds. This is because the Thymus Chakra on the physical 3-D earth plane is the Chakra of the immune system.

Photo by Belle Co on Pexels.com