Chakra Basics

As humanity continues to evolve on Planet Earth, we healers are encountering more of our clients starting the amazing process of opening the Thymus Chakra. This is the energy center directly between the Throat and Heart Chakras and is most often observed as a beautiful teal blue color. The color varies based on whether the person is more heart oriented or throat oriented. The more we see the heart used, the deeper green the Thymus Chakra is likely to present. As this chakra is attempting to open, we may be experiencing a clogged, thick feeling in the throat and we need to gently clear our throat for several minutes each morning. I always do a throat clearing posture with my yoga students and encourage them to gently clear their throats or softly cough for several seconds to get things cleared.

It is also helpful hum or sing through the musical scale several times to encourage the voice to stay strong and clear. We are noticing many people losing their voices or sounding muffled or with a kind of ‘reedy’ small voice quality to their words. Additionally, these same folks are struggling with immunity issues….the first ones to be down with the flu or colds. This is because the Thymus Chakra on the physical 3-D earth plane is the Chakra of the immune system.

Photo by Belle Co on

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