The Changing of Seasons

Flower ElixierThe changing of the seasons offers us change…just as the title of this piece implies. By now, in the Spring of 2018, we are settling into the changes that continue bombarding us. So unless we’ve been stranded on a desert island somewhere, we’ve come to accept and even settle into this season of change on our planet.  For most of us, we struggle to learn who we really are and how we can actually embrace change as it weaves itself into our lives and our life’s journey every day.

Still fighting change ?Keep wishing things would slow down and stay they way they used to be? Struggling to enjoy seeing all the new things happening to us faster and faster? Have faith…keep the faith! You’re doing fine. Remember, this ascension stuff isn’t easy.

It helps to keep reminding yourself that you actually came to experience the ascension and to secure a front row seat in order to be the change you came to find. Even more impressive, the world stage keeps getting stranger. You’ll often catch yourself saying “Wow, I’ve never seen that before”.

So really, the only way to stay sane and sleep at night, is to breathe deeply and stay grounded. I’ve found that Yoga for grounding and Crystal Healing for the calming meditation it brings, really help. The solution to worry is really simple:Lighten up! Laugh more often, share food and stories and hugs. We really are going to arrive to the finish line. And then, of course, we keep going on and on and on! Comforting, huh?

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