Energy Report 101-The latest news from across the cosmos

Coping-With-Limitations-Widget-image-250x175Bumpy Ride ahead, please fasten your seat belts. I see March Madness giving way to a pretty hectic Spring. Those sky watcher among us are squinting into the sun and noticing how white hot Solara (the feminine name for our star) has become!  No doubt about it, our sun is changing and changing us! Most of humanity is shielding their eyes and wondering aloud how bright it now appears to be.

When scanning a clear, blue sky, we can see the sheer dominance of our solar system’s engine, the sun! Truly a power not to be ignored. Just today, the sun displayed a huge rip in it’s atmosphere which is sending Gamma Radiation directly into the Earth’s path.  This fast paced radiation changes carbon-based life (that’s us) from the inside out and there is no escape from the influence being delivered to each and every living being. Whether deep underground, shielded by lead or hunkered up in bed under your covers, you and all of us are assimilating these mighty rays.

Science debates as to what exactly these Gamma Rays do to change the tissue and cells of the body. But they agree that something big occurs. We Spiritual folk know that our DNA is changing….. switching the markers on the strands of our cells from off to on! Over the millennia,  priests and priestesses have known about this future for Earth and have named it The Quickening. And it is happening now!

The names are churning out on the Internet: The Pulse, The Shift, The Event. In any case all of us realize that the sun is intimately involved in the ecstatic, depressive, indifferent, energy filled, rocket fueled, amazing journey we all signed on for.  Like I mentioned, fasten your seat belts!

Extraordinary Qualities


How have you been holding up? What with all the extraordinary eclipses we’ve been living through and keenly aware of, is it any wonder that everyone on the planet as well as your OWN extraordinary qualities are showing up? I am sure you’re not too surprised.

Lately,  the energy of our astrology and astronomy have conspired to help in our upgrade process. These extraordinary qualities are changing us from the inside out. As I write, a Class 1 CME is being blasted directly toward the planet, and as if this wasn’t enough, we are experiencing a partial solar eclipse today as well.

We don’t really have to know what it all means (and really….who would be the judge other than how we are feeling in our own skin? ) Sleep issues continue to hang on for many as well as a dry, nagging cough that doesn’t seem to be related to the aftermath of a cold or flu. What to think then?

What I am getting seems to relate sleep issues to an upgrade happening deep inside the skull at the base of the neck This upgrade appears to relate to a place in our skulls called The Well of Dreams. The Angels explain that this rather exotic- sounding name, when clear,  allows us to communicate with beings from off planet. These beings use the dream state or the meditation state to talk to us and until this entire dream ‘star gate’ is cleared from most of the debris we collect while in the ‘wide awake’ 3-D state of consciousness, we are very limited as to the quality and quantity of channeled information we are able to receive and process.

So many of us now in the process of clearing up this Well of Dreams are experiencing foggy brains and head aches as well as nights with less than desired sleep. And the dry nagging cough is totally related because we will need to speak/ channel what we are hearing just as easily as we say our own names when asked. The good news….we are clearing in order to receive our extraordinary qualities….and the bad news is the very same. It is a process and it takes time! But we are ready.

Till next time….keep those halos polished.

Photo by Ian Beckley on

Higher Ground



Have you ever just wanted to throw up your hands and say, “I’m done!” ?  Yep, me too. I never felt that so intensely as I did in Central America on a sultry, humid day living in a little working town called Corozal in the middle of the bush and blue skies on December 22, 2012.

I have divided time into PRE and POST 2012.  PRE 2012 was THEN. Not slower necessarily….just, different. Those of us lucky enough to have lived 60 + healthy years and more can remember that time had a hugely different feel to it when we were kids in the 1950’s and 1960’s. Slower maybe?

Then there are all things AFTER December 21, 2012. If you’ve been long on a Spiritual Path, you know that date as well as you know your birthday. Us ‘a while ago awakened folks’ figured we’d be “outta here” at the stroke of midnight (or something like that) on the magical 12/21/12 End of the Mayan Calendar day. So I sold my car, my home, gave away my belongings and stuffed the bare minimum into a minivan and we drove down the East coast of Mexico and into the small Central American Country of Belize to wait it out. I spent the day triangulated in the middle of 3 amazing Mayan Pyramids! WOW! I held my breath, I took a deep breath, and closed my eyes…..and then…..nothing.  Absolutely NOTHING.

I woke up on December 22, 2012 and it was just another day.

Now what?

I dedicate this web site and The Angel Connection to the POST 2012 stuff. The Now What? Because….well, that is where my Spiritual Journey actually begins.





Photo by Artem Beliaikin on

Fish in the Ocean




“As I express myself, I am set free!”  I read  this on the open page of the notebook I’d grabbed intending to write what I could. It stopped me short. It was signed with a hand drawn heart. Who, I wondered aloud.

Maybe the ‘who’ wasn’t important. Perhaps I should just focus on the timely message. These words were so true. I LOVE words! I earn my living by expressing words…..speaking words in my channeling, using them in guided meditations during yoga and spiritual development classes. I form them with an ease born from many years of practice. I love to talk (just ask my tenth grade Math Teacher who told my mom during teacher conferences that I ought of be a telephone operator).

Words and ideas seem to flow easily during Life Coaching  sessions. I note my words  often come from a source of wisdom far beyond the scope of my own brain.  So….ok then, who to give the credit to? After long deliberation,  Higher Self?  My Soul? Naah..too vague…too distant.

Inspiration at last…”The Angels”. After all, ‘Victoria’s Angel Connection’  is what I call my business. Plus, I love those Angels. So, I’ll stay with a winning combo: me and my Angels! Settled!